Our 3 yr old male mini Schnauzer started getting bumps all over back about a year ago. First it was a few, now its all over his body. He scratches everywhere and licks his paws.

We have changed his diet a few times but nothing seems to work. He is now eating Holistic Blend lamb n rice.

He has never received any rounds of antibiotic and hasn’t been vacinated since he was a puppy.

We bathe him once a week with Azmira organic shampoo and once a month we take him to get professionally groomed. In fact, getting a new groomer after we moved last year is the only thing that has changed.


Comments for Flaky & Itchy Dog Skin Bumps

Feb 02, 2013My Online Vet Response For: Flaky & Itchy Dog Skin Bumps
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman Hi Gina,

From the photos, it appears that you dog has a superficial ‘pyoderma’, (pus in the hair follicles). There are a number of different causes and treatment will vary depending on the specific cause.

1. Schnauzer Bumps–a genetic condition that is usually ‘managed’ not cured.

2. Inhaled Allergies-can start off seasonal, then become a problem year round. This will usually start with inflamed skin that develops bumps, and involves licking the paws. See our page on ‘Dog Allergies’, Dog Skin Allergies and How to Deal with Them

3. Flea Allergy-controlling fleas in the house, and yard, not just on the dog, are imperative. Our page on flea problems in dogs goes into more details, Natural Dog Flea Medicine and Products – Treatment & Prevention

4. Secondary conditions, from poor immune system, such as Demodex mange mite. See our page on mites, How to Treat Dog Mange

Basically, for ALL of the above conditions, keeping the skin CLEAN is very important. I suggest using the Azmira Organic shampoo TWO times per week. After 3 weeks, if there is no improvement, then try Virbac’s Epi-Soothe shampoo. (Or you may need to alternate between the two).

A skin scraping will be needed for diagnosis of mange mites.

NO DRY DOG FOOD. See our page on 10 Best Dog food Options, 10 Best Dog Food Options, and consider feeding a RAW diet, learn more here: Raw diet

I am not sure what is available in Puerto Rico, you may need to see if Holistic Blend is available in a canned form, and add some raw meat to it. (DO NOT FEED RAW PORK OR RAW FISH)

Boost the Immune System with one or all of the following:

Immuplex from Standard Process Open one capsule and add to food TWO times daily.

OrthoMolecular Specialties, Mega C Powder

Missing Link Canine Formula


DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Feb 02, 2013My Online Vet Response For: Flaky & Itchy Dog Skin Bumps PART TWO
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman Hi Gina,

Here is the rest of my response.

If you are new to Homeopathic Medicine, start here to learn the basics : Homeopathy for Dog Care : Could It Be an Option for Your Dog?

Homeopathic Remedy I recommend:

Try Sulphur 12c, give one pellet by mouth two times daily for 3-4 weeks. If no response, then a more ‘specific’ remedy may be needed. This would be determined by a holistic veterinarian, depending on your dog’s ‘constitution’.

Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is AVH.org.

If there are NO holistic vets in your area, then report back to me in one month!

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

Related Pages:
Dog Skin Conditions,
Dog Itchy Skin,
Dog Skin Rash,
Dog Skin Allergies,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Skin Rashes, Marks, Spots, Lesions & Patches (including itchy skin and mange) Section,
Ask a Vet Online Library – Dog Hair Loss Section

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Feb 04, 2013How come no raw fish.
by: Gina I understand the pork but how come no raw fish?

Feb 05, 2013My Online Vet Response for: Flaky & Itchy Dog Skin Bumps
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman Hi Gina,

Raw fish can contain parasites such as flukes, nematodes, tapeworms, and bacteria. Many of these can cause severe illness in dogs, (and humans too.)

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: This educational advice is based on the depth of your question and the picture you submitted. The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

Jul 10, 2013Update
by: Gina Frias Just to let you know that I changed his diet to Sojos and the problems fixed itself and hasn’t returned. Thanks So much for your help!

May 31, 2015Help Gina
by: Carlos Rivera hola Gina, mi nombre es Carlos Rivera y soy de Corozal, Puerto Rico. Me gustaría saber los detalles de la comida que le estas dando a tu perro. Tengo una schnauzer miniatura y le está pasando lo mismo. La llevé al veterinario y le dieron unas pastillas. Se alivió un poco de las ronchas pero le volvieron a salir.

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