by Michael J.

growth on pad

growth on pad

growth on pad

growth on top of foot

We noticed growths a few days ago after picking our dog up from grooming. Appeared in the last two weeks, probably less.

Took her to the vet two weeks ago for eye discharge, and growths were not visible at that time. Diagnosed with allergies, the vet recommended over the counter antihistamine eye drops. We have used the drops as needed, but weather is getting colder, less discharge visible.

Larger growth is on bottom of front paw at edge of pad, red color. The other growth is much flatter, with a rough surface, and black/gray color. She does not seem to be bothered by either growth, although some licking the area on the bottom of the foot yesterday.

Do these growths look like something that needs to be treated by my vet or are there home remedies that I could try? Of course I do not want to ignore any potentially serious problem.

My mixed breed dog will be one year old in two weeks. She is most likely part border collie or australian shepherd, weight approximately 32 pounds. We adopted her at 3 months of age. Good health, very active, lots of energy, good weight for her size. Healthy coat.


Comments for Growths on Dog’s Paws

Nov 23, 2014My Online Vet Response for: Growths on Dog’s Paws
by: Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

November 23, 2014

Hi Michael,
From your photos, neither of these growths appear to be of serious concern. I suspect they are warts, considering your dog’s age of almost one year old.

See our page on description of warts,

Warts will appear in those susceptible individuals that have been vaccinated. You did not mention if your dog has had any vaccines, but if she has been vaccinated in the past 6 months, I suspect that she may have been handling the effects of the vaccine quite well until the discharge from her eyes were suppressed by the antihistamine drops, and her body sought another form to ‘extrude’ the effects of ‘vaccinosis’.

These growths should disappear without treatment in 4-6 weeks. If they do not disappear, and/or they are growing, I suggest you seek the help of a holistic veterinarian for homeopathic treatment.

Another resource for vets knowledgeable in homeopathy is

Please keep us posted by coming back to this page and clicking the ‘click here to add your own comments’ link below.

Take care,
Dr. Carol Jean Tillman

DISCLAIMER: The above should never replace the advice of your local veterinarian, as they have the ability to evaluate your dog in person.

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