by Ashley
(Houston, TX, USA)

Kira’s belly
Symptoms: Head Shaking, Rash on belly & under arm pits – red spots (no pimples or bumps, just inflamed) and brown spots that look like dirt, Licking paws, hair loss, vomiting
Hi, I have a 2 yr. old mixed rott/mastiff/lab. My husband and I noticed she has been licking her paws a lot lately. We didn’t make anything of it until today when we noticed this rash on her belly and under her arms. It has red spots, and then there is brownish stuff in her skin that looks like dirt.
We washed her with her oatmeal shampoo. She’s NOT itching at all. It doesn’t seem to bother her one bit.
However she started to shake her head a lot about an hour ago, she doesn’t have fleas – we’ve checked and taken measures to insure she doesn’t get them. But we do live in an apartment complex so it’s possible she has come across something during her walks.
As far as recent changes go, she spent the weekend at my in-laws home; they gave a bath with a different shampoo and fed her a different food. But we didn’t notice the rash and head shaking until today.
When we got home she had thrown up her food which is common as she has an acid reflux problem.
When we bathed her she lost a lot of hair, we brush her all the time so that’s unusual. I’m worried this is scabies or something to that nature as it’s been going around Texas. Please help.
Thank you,
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